Friday, September 11, 2009

Alumni Game - October 10th

As I have mentioned before, both on this blog and in the emails, our annual "Alumni Game" will be played on Saturday, October 10th, on the turf at Arnold Field. Game time is 10 AM sharp! As we did last year, our LM Aces alumni team will be playing against a Radnor alumni club team. Last year our LM team was low on numbers, sustained a few sidelining injuries, and wound up on the wrong end of a 4-2 score. We want a little payback this year, so we need a good turnout from our proud LM Aces Alumni players, especially those who have graduated in the last 10 years, who have been conspiciously absent these past several alumni games. As they say, you can't coach youth.

If you plan on playing, please email me at: We will provide a jersey for all players (include your shirt size in your email) , as well as lunch after the game, so I need an accurate count. For those of you who have played your last game, but would still like to come out and root our LM Aces Alumni team to victory, we would love to have you join the fun. You can also email me as well, and let me know you're coming. Once I begin putting out all the names of who will be there, I'm sure other LM soccer alumni will follow suit.

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