Monday, August 24, 2009

Memories from the past

I recently received an email from Jim Jenkins, class of '53. I wanted to share it with all his fellow LM soccer alumni.

Here is a picture of Archie Gentles (on left) and Jim Allan (on right) from the 1950-1952 era. I played fullback at the same time. I was "lucky" to be sent to Germany for a year (1956-1957). I played Army soccer and met some fine former collegiate players, and in the evenings I played with the European guards at the base. It was a real learning experience. I ended my career at the age of 35 with the University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL (club soccer). Soccer is big down here at the youth & high school levels. I'm enjoying your website and would like to see something on the "old days" but I know that is very hard to do without good archives. Good luck to you and the Aces.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. It's much easier for me to come to this blog to get all the info, updates, etc. instead of you having to email them to me. Keep up the good work.
